Sunday, August 11, 2019

ICT Strategic Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

ICT Strategic Plan - Essay Example From this paper it is clear that  ICTs are widely being implemented and are used by fisheries sectors for various purposes such as resource assessment and in commercialization purposes. The ICTs strategic plan implemented in Australia have enabled the Australian fishermen to exploit various opportunities such as the use of Global Positioning System for location finding and navigation. ICT has also reduced risk to fishermen through information exchange and emergency warning. At present, the fishermen have access to web-based data/ information along with networking sources.This report outlines that  during November 2007, The Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) was liable for the development of ICT strategic plan and roadmap. The plan would stress on 2005 Strategic IT Review and further it would provide vital initiatives to AFMA which would be implemented over the period of next three years i.e. from 2008 to 2011. AFMA was supposed to invest approximately AUD 7.3 millio n for the implementation of ICT strategic plan, during these three year period. The investment program would include sixteen distinct initiatives which would cover forty nine recommendations.  The initiatives were to be undertaken on three vital functions related with the fisheries management, these consist of monitoring and research, compliance and licensing and quota management.  AFMA was able to record 12% improvement in conformity with the vessel monitoring system across the Commonwealth fishing areas during the year 2008 when compared to 2007.

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